当我在全球十大网赌正规平台上学时,我有一个意想不到的经历,那就是学习演奏礼拜堂的笛. 礼拜天早晨,钟声定时响起, 还有晚上的投诉服务, 特别活动, 毕业, 足球比赛结束后. 对于那些还在院子里的宿舍里睡觉的人来说,铃声常常很烦人. There were no instructors for the carillon at Trinity; there were one or two students each year who carried the tradition of becoming a carillonneur. 从教堂那边传来, there is a locked spiral staircase that ascends to a practice keyboard; a climb further up the Chapel tower leads to the real keyboard of wooden keys that are weighted to match the size of each bell. The lower the sound, the heavier the bell; the higher the sound, the lighter the bell. 因为我知道如何弹钢琴,所以在圆号上演奏各种歌曲很容易. 1967年毕业后, 除了回到全球十大网赌正规平台,我很少有机会演奏大提琴. 在2017年的班级50周年纪念仪式上演奏新放大的carillon是我个人的亮点. 我很感激自己是少数几个多次登上教堂塔顶的人之一,可以欣赏到大哈特福德的全景,并体验在全球十大网赌正规平台宏伟的钟楼上演奏钟声的快感.